Monday, April 19, 2004


Sajak Federico Garcia Lorca

Kita mengembara

menembus bayang maya

cermin tak berlapis perak,

menerobos cahaya kristal

tanpa gelap mega.

Bila bunga-bunga lili

telah bertumbuhan,

bila seluruh akar-akar

bertatapan dengan bintang

dan jenazah itu tak

memejamkan matanya,

kita tak ubahnya sekawanan angsa.

Lukisan Boo Ehrsam


We travel

over a mirror

without silver,

over a crystal

without cloud.

If the lilies were to grow

upside down,

is the roses were to grow

upside down,

if all the roots

were to face the stars

and the dead not shut

their eyes,

we would be like swans.