Sunday, February 22, 2004

Bertatap Wajah dengan Salju

Sajak Tu Fu

Usai perang, tangis ruh baru terlepas dari tubuh

Lelaki tua, sendiri, bergetaran duka di bibirnya.

Awan selapis mendesak turun, sinar temaram.

Dalam hujan, ada sedikit salju berdansa saja.

Penyiduk anggur tersandar, gelas tak berwarna hijau,

kompor merah padam, tampak masih menyala.

Bagi banyak persinggahan, percakapan berantakan,

aku terduduk, buku tak terbaca, duka tak terasa.

Facing Snow

After the battle, many new ghosts cry,

The solitary old man murmurs in his grief.

Ragged low cloud thins the light of dusk,

Thick snow dances back and forth in the rain.

The wine ladle's cast aside, the cup not green,

The stove still looks as if a fiery red.

To many places, communications are broken,

I sit, but cannot read my books for grief.