Atap Gubukku Terlempar
oleh Badai Musim Gugur
Sajak Tu Fu
Bulan kedelapan, deru geram angin musim gugur,
Tiga lapis atap jerami di bubung gubukku tersapu.
Batang padi berserakan bertebaran di sungai,
Ada juga yang terperangkap, tegantung di pucuk pohon,
Ada yang mengapung lalu tenggelam ke dasar selokan.
Ada bocah jalanan dari selatan mengusikku, seringkih aku;
Bisa saja mereka kejam merampok, mempermalukanku,
Tapi, mereka hanya membawa jerami ke pokok bambu.
Mulut dan lidahku kering, sebab menyeru tak tentu tuju,
Lagi, aku tersandar di tongkat sendiri, menghela nafas.
Angin tiba-tiba runduk, awan berubah sewarna tinta;
Langit musim gugur hitam, segenapnya hitam.
Selimut katun tua terasa sesejuk besi dingin,
Anakku yang letih mengigau, mencampaknya.
Atap pun terbang tepat di atas katil. Basah,
Hujan luruh serapat serat rami, dan tak terhenti.
Aku tersesat, tak tentu arah, aku nyaris tak tidur,
Kuyup aku, bagaimana bisa tahan? Malam teramat lama!
Kalau saja aku punya istana, sejuta kamar-kamarnya,
Semua murid-murid, kuberi lindungan dari dingin.
Istana kukuh, sekukuh gunung, tak terusik badai.
Ah, andai istana itu memang telah ada kujumpa,
Aku mati bahagia, membeku di sini, di gubuk rubuh ini!
My Cottage Unroofed By Autumn Gales
In the eighth month autumn's high winds angrily howl,
And sweep three layers of thatch from off my house.
The straw flies over the river, where it scatters,
Some is caught and hangs high up in the treetops,
Some floats down and sinks into the ditch.
The urchins from the southern village bully me, weak as I am;
They're cruel enough to rob me to my face,
Openly, they carry the straw into the bamboo.
My mouth and lips are dry from pointless calling,
I lean again on my cane and heave a sigh.
The wind soon calms, and the clouds turn the colour of ink;
The autumn sky is black in all directions.
My ancient cotton quilt is cold as iron,
My restless children sleep badly, and kick it apart.
The roof leaks over the bed- there's nowhere dry,
The rain falls thick as hemp, and without end.
Lost amid disorder, I hardly sleep,
Wet through, how can I last the long nights!
If I could get a mansion with a million rooms,
I'd give all scholars joy and shelter from cold.
Solid as a mountain, the elements could not move it.
Oh! If I could see this house before me,
I'd happily freeze to death in my broken hut!