mc farlane
Amy Lowell
Kukupas hijau kulit dari putih buah almon
begitulah kutelanjangi tabir gairahmu,
Menyentuhkan jemari pada lembut kemilau inti diri
Lihat! Di tanganku tak terbilang lagi: permata itu berpendaran.
Sepuluh tahun
Setelah kau datang, kau bagai madu dan anggur merah,
: manis. Api rasamu menyulut, membakar di mulutku.
Dan kini, kau sepinggan roti pagi hari.
Teramat lembut, teramat menyelerakan.
Dan nyaris saja, kulahap seluruh engkau
sebab teramat kutahu gurihmu,
tapi, ah betapa kenyang sekarang.
As I would free the white almond from the green husk
So I would strip your trappings off,
And fingering the smooth and polished kernel
I should see that in my hands glittered a gem beyond counting.
When you came, you were like red wine and honey,
And the taste of you burnt my mouth with its sweetness.
Now you are like morning bread,
Smooth and pleasant.
I hardly taste you at all for I know your savour,
But I am completely nourished.